Sunday 19 April 2015

Interview Asasi TeSL 2015 (My Scary Experience)


Ok so yesterday i went to UiTM Merbok for interview in Asasi TeSL.
The written test is hell hard i tell ya.
The 15 grammar question is way too hard that i can't adapt to it.
They talked about desertification WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?
I read the text countless times that i have no time for my essay because they only give us 1 hour to answer both grammar and essay question.
But yeah luckily, the essay is quite easy.
The question is The most important criteria in choosing a good local university.
Well i make it but not approximately 250 because when i was half way for my essay, the lecturer told us that we have another 10 minutes and i became hell nervous that i forgot the rest of the points. Curse me please!!!

After we went out from the not so examination hall, the lecturer told that we need to get ready for our interview, and guess what? I AM THE FUCKING FIRST CANDIDATE FOR PANEL 2.
OMG when the interviewer told us to arrange our photocopy here and there and i was miserable as hell, they say loudly Aina Syaza Hakim?!
And i raised my hand and was like ya that cool bitchy name is mine!
They said i can come in and i still in the middle of arranging my documents that i took it all and let them settle it by themselves but they were like it's okay we understand because you're the first candidate.
So i handed them those files and the told me to sit down.

Here's how the interview begins.
IVER : Are you nervous? (basically i am not that nervous but her voice is way too soft that i was like huh what? then she repeated)
Me : Yeah a little bit since i'm the first one hehe.
IVER: How's the exam just now?
Me : The essay is not that hard but the 15 grammar questions is quite difficult.
IVER : Okay so, tell me a little bit about yourself.
Me : my name is bla bla i'm from bla bla i graduated from bla bla my hobby is bla bla bla
IVER : That's all? Ouh so, you're from Teknik school?
Me : Yes.
IVER : So, do you live together with your parents? (this time i can't hear again and i was like huh what? again and she repeated again ugh CURSED MY EAR!!!!)
Me : Yes i am living with my parents.
IVER : How do you help them?
Me : *startled a little because i don't expecting that question* Since i'm unemployed, i always do housework (supposed to be house chores ugh cursed stupid nervous me again) and cook for lunch.
IVER : You really cook?
Me : Yes because i will starving if i didn't cook.
Both the IVERs laughed at me
IVER : So you only cook for yourself?
Me : Since i cooked for myself, i make it double for my parents too because my mom work as a teacher and my dad always came home late, so yeah, i'm cooking for lunch and sometime for dinner.
IVER : Ok, you also help your parents take care of your siblings?
Me : No because both of my brother live in hostel and my sister go to school with my mom so, basically i'm not taking care of them.
IVER : Okay since when you are interested in english?
Me : Since i was in form 1.
IVER : How do you increase your english knowledge?
Me : I watched english (i supposed to say american curse me again) youtuber , watch movies without subtitles and read novels.
IVER : Does those things helped?
Me : Yes. Much.
She was looking at my name and was like
IVER : Your name is Aina Syaza Hakim (weird face) Bt Mohd Said? Hakim is your name? (me say yes) And Mohd Said is your dad's name? (me say yes again). Why Hakim? (THIS IS ALSO UNPREDICTABLE QUESTION!)
Me : Haha i don't know but all my siblings have hakim in our name
IVER : Including female?
Me : Yes of course (this time i am feeling like screaming I AM FUCKING FEMALE CAN'T YOU SEE?!)
Me : ummmmm (thinking bijaksana apadia tah dalam english) Brilliant. yes, brilliant.
IVER : Ouh yes, bijaksana.
Me : arrr yes.
IVER : Okay can you tell me about the novel you've read recently? (I am fucking nervous my hands is ice cold and i was just thinking of going out of the room and she asked me THIS question?! I am mentally died that time)
Me : (i took about a minute thinking this time and i asked her again whether she REALLY wanted me to tell her the synopsis of novel and she said yes because i mentally died just now like i said and i ended up telling about Sophie Kinsella I've Got Your Number and i talked much that the interviewer were both shocked and the laugh at me then one of them repeat my story and say she didn't understand i told her the story is not finished yet and she wanted me to hurriedly finished my story hahahahaha damn)
IVER : Okay, what did you apply for upu?
Me : i don't really remember but all have english such as pengajian bahasa inggeris and all that.
IVER : Okay do you have any question? (FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Me : When will i know the result?
IVER : 2nd week of May.
Me : okay thank you.
I'm about to stand up then they asked AGAIN.
 IVER : If you got both Asasi Tesl UiTM and Pengajian Bahasa Inggeris UIAM which one will you choose?
Me : UiTM of course
Both IVERs : Eyyyyyyyyy hahahahahahah really?
Me : Yes i will choose UITM !

Both of them nodded and say thank you and handed me my documents back and i shook their hands and i walked away.

Okay i am not clinging into this asasi anymore because i don't know. i'm not having high hopes by now. But still, if i got into this Asasi i will be the happiest girl on earth.

OKBYE. Capek udah gue hahahahahaha

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Mario Badescu Goals


So, i happened to found this sort of cool brand, Mario Badescu.
It is originally from the United States.
I don't know, few of brands had attracted me but they are way too pricey such as Tebe and all that expensive stuffs.
So i found Mario and i thought of having a quick check on it.
Well, this brand is amazing.
The testimonials are all impressive
So i decided to find any product that maybe i am interested to
And i found THIS!


Will you dare to estimate the price?
Hell yeah, it's only RM40 this is ridiculous!
Why so damn cheap?!!

And i continue my searching when i stopped at this item

This is it!
Acne repair kit!
My acne is way too uncontrollable that i'm getting fed up so i'm damnly have to use this set!
It came with
  • 6oz. Acne Facial Cleanser - a deep cleansing and exfoliating wash which prevents pore congestion
  • 8oz. Special Cucumber Lotion -Acne healing astringent
  • 2oz. Drying Mask - Promotes healing of acne eruptions
  • 0.5 oz. Drying Cream -  promotes healing of pimples whilst concealing them
  • 1 oz. Drying Lotion  - Shrinks whiteheads overnight
Ouh yeah!!

Well the price is quite high but i don't care. I wanted to try on it yeah!

This is ain't testimonials post , i haven't even using them.
But i will buy it right after i buy my tablet.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Business Online


Well yeah, i've started my online shop vigorously last week.
Although i still didn't get any customer, i'm happy with what i am doing.
it's really a passion.
But sincerely, i hope to have a tablet so that i can do my job easily.
But nahhh that's not it.
My target is to have 10 customers before April ends.

So, what i've been selling?
Nahh i won't tell here hahaha.
Because if i do, this personal blog will be my business blog.
Just, i don't want to ruin this.

Btw, my partner is of course Jahara but i don't know if we're still be together after further our studies.
But i really hope she won't stop.

Okay that's all, if you really want to know what do i sell,
whatsapp me 01128908253.
I will tell you there.

That One Mysterious Man


Ok how should i begin the story with?
As people around me knowing, i am a perlis baby, i lived there for 1 year and moved to Johor for 2 years and came back to Perlis for another 2 years before statically live here in Kedah.
When i am in Kedah, i gain much experience.
I have new friends
I miss the old friends.
Well, that's life.
We come and go.
And here in Kedah is where my puberty strikes and giving me a chance to love a man even though all of those were unrequited love.
I'm not giving any fuck on it anymore

Actually, i have this one man in my mind.
He is always there(in my mind i mean).
Ever since i was 5 years old.
But i can't remember his real name and his face.
I only remember his nickname

Last info about him that i got was 11 years ago, he moved from perlis to cameron highland.
I have to find him.
I want to atleast know how he looks like.
And i really hope that he won't forget me.

Friday 10 April 2015



Well hahaha this post is way too related to my previous post.
People Come People Go.

Hahahahhaaha (I'm laughing because if i'm not, i might cry)
Ok, i don't know why i love her damn much tho i only knew her for a year less.
She was my dorm mate during my first year of high school.
I don't know her before but when i actually knew her, i don't know, i'm being damnly comfortable.
And it sucks.
It sucks that i love her way too much.
I know that she hates us because we're so not glam as she is.
I know that she always pray to leave Kedah as soon as possible.
I know that. We all know. Everyone knows.
She wrote it in her journal.
I know she purposely wrote it there because she always wrote fanfics for us to read and we will of course accidentally read her prayer.
I know.
But we act like nothing happened. Why?
Because I love her
Because all of us loves her.
I know that she is living well now.
As much as she desired.
I hate the fact that i can't hate her.
I know i can't be as awesome as her friends now.
I can never be.
But, i want you to know that, i will always love you no matter what happen.
No matter how you hate me, us, for interrupting you life.
I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry.
I will not bother you. Ever again.
I'm sorry for being a friend that you irritate with.
Just so you know, aku terasa weh.
Aku tau hang pura-pura selama ni.
Aku tau weh.
Jangan ingat aku bodoh.
Aku nak atleast hang appreciate kami.
Takpa lah wey.
Semoga hidup hang lebih bahagia sentosa dengan kawan-kawan hang.
Semoga hang punya family takdak masalah dah.
Aku doa hang jadi chef, ada bakery sendiri.
Wish you all the best, Sis.

Till then, xoxo


Friday 3 April 2015

People Come People Go


Have u ever imagined to lose people around you?
I mean, we, of course are having a few people by our side and could you imagine when they are gone?
Haha, basically, if family, i might not be able to accept that in short time.
But if it's non related such as friends, yeah friends, i wouldn't mind if they wanted to leave to quit from my life.
Not that i don't appreciate them but if you want to leave, then fucking leave.
I read much at twitter like "When u're 18, u should know that people come and go in anytime" more less like that so i will just yea, i have to accept it. I don't know if i've left anyone that love me or what, i don't know so if i do, i apologize. My bad.

It is not that i wouldn't mind if my friends leave me, i will be in drastic monsoon mode if any of my friends that i love/appreciate leave me just like bang! like that lulz.
But as it says, what can i do if you wanna leave, right?

I don't know why i'm being emotional here because most of my friends are still with me.
Well, this is a mental preparation for me.
Imagine scary things and being emotional all of sudden.
Don't worry much, I'm literally okay. Haha

Till then, xoxo


p/s : gambaq takdak sebab emo hahahahhaha cam shial