Tuesday 24 March 2015

Life Wishlists


I'm going to be very sincere, actually, i'm a gay. Hah!! Dah macam si Connor dalam Coming Out gitu, Haha okay saja bajet.

So, now the topic (cey topic bagai) is Life Wishlists.
This is more less like umm 30 things u wanna do before you die, like that but i just call it life wishlists because i don't know when i'm going to meet Maha Pencipta right? But seriously takdak la sampai 30, kau nak buat apa sampai wish banyak 30, jangan ngengada eh.
Okay so, aku rasa most of us dalam dunia ni ada benda yg kita teringin nak buat tapi due to family incomes, kita tak mampu, right? Well, mak bapak kita bukanlah tak kaya just diorang don't have that amount of money for you to spend it leisurely kan. Kalau nak duit, tolonglah cari sendiri. Jangan nak menyusah mak bapak.

So, this is my official Life Wishlists that i think i need to accomplish it BEFORE i am getting married (nak habaq kata cek plan nak kawin umoq 30 keataih lolz).

1. Have RM500,000 in bank account before i reach 25 y/o. This sounds ridiculous but, i know i can do this. i am confident.

2. Have my own cafe by 30y/o. This, yes, i think i can too.

3. Have master in TeSL.

4. Have my own car. I don't care what type of car as long as i buy it with my own money.

5. Have my own house by 28y/o.

6. Travel. Well, travel means everything to me. I've been to only Thailand and Indonesia so no, I will go further. (Dream destinations : JAPAN, EUROPE, KOREA, TURKI) I will go to Japan. With my own money. I don't care going alone. Well preferably, i want to go alone. By myself.

7. Go to umrah with my friends. I REALLY HOPE I CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS.

8. Can speak in mandarin.


This is a very very selfish wishlists isn't it?
I don't care.
I wont let my youth bring nothing to me.

Till then, xoxo.


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