Sunday 29 March 2015



Okay i have to admit this. It is all my damn fault that my SPM result was a big ass failed.
Dad told me every single day that i have to change.
I have to.
If i want to be a successful woman in the future.

Before this, i HATE time table.
For me, it's up to me when should i do my homework, my laundry, my house cleaning. It's all on me.
But i am totally wrong.
Wait, i still can't follow dad's order for me to sleep before midnight because i don't have my own handphone that i need to steal it from mom or dad's so the right time is when they asleep, midnight.

So now, mom and dad is having a high fever after they came back from Umrah so all the house chores are on my shoulder and this is really tough. i need to do EVERY SINGLE THING so i found the uses of time table is so so so important so that i won't missed out any chores. Thus, i am having my driving class and cooking class and my 3 business so it is so hard for me to make those things be done in one day, everyday. With none help ugh i bet i can be the wife anytime by now.

I actually want to tell dad to not to be worried with the chores but he still expect me to do everything like in a blink of eye. Sincerely, it's so hard, dad. So hard that i could faint because i slept at 4am and woke up at 6am to send Jahara off to her workplace. But i will try my best to not disappoint you both.

Till then, xoxo


Thursday 26 March 2015

My One Little Hope


Well peace yalls!
It's Calum Hood of 5 Seconds Of Summerrrrr

okay, my one little hope.
Actually, i've been hoping this since forever and i don't know, wait, i can't even estimate WHEN will that time comes.
This may sounds funny or u'll be like "Are you that desperate?"
No no, i'm not being desperate here, like i said, i hope.

Haha, i am thinking whether i should write or not because yes, this is funny.

Ok, i've been hoping for atleast one guy realize my existence.
No, wait yes!! of course they know i'm exist. But .... okay straight to the point,
I want atleast one guy give me their heart. AHAHAHAHAHAHHA
I'm not going to fried that heart, seriously i will not.
I am that type of weird girl that NO ONE ever attached to.
And among my friends, i am the only one. HAHA.
Yes, most of my friends, never been in a relationship but hey, at least they got that memories where a guy came and said that he likes them.
I am dead serious.
No one, not a single man ever come to me and be like " hey, u're attractive" HAHAHA ok that's way too cheesy.

You get my point?
Well, my friend once said, "There might be one guy who likes you secretly"
I'm telling this, we, human, got love instinct. Right?
My instinct is dead strong telling me that NO ONE likes me secretly.

Wait, even if there is, WHY THE HELL YOU LIKE ME SECRETLY PLEASE JUST COME OUT AND CONFESS AND wait, i will not accept. Because i've told myself not to be in relationship until i have my own earnings. But still, i WON'T hurt ur heart. Haha. I just want to make sure that i am actually recognize-able.

Okay this post is way too immature of me. But hey, if it happens to be real, that someone likes me secretly, please tell me. I'm deadly wanna know that weird guy.

I'm desperate as fuck to know. Just to fuckin know. Haha

Till then, xoxo.


Tuesday 24 March 2015

Connor Franta


Well, i found myself being very bored that i update blog like everyday but who cares? it's mine tho.

So, it happens to be that just now, i was watching Connor because i forgot to watch last monday's but hey, he post his newest video yesterday, which is TUESDAY. u've been lying Connor!!

Whatever it is, Connor is digging into mypocket because HE RELEASE HIS VERY OWN BOOK!!
You know that i loves reading. And i loves Connor so that was just like, fate? Haha nahh just kidding.
He always recommend books from Audible and i barely read, no i actually haven't read any of his recommendations but he turns out to be the author and i can't... i just.. i NEED to buy it.

 But the thing is, I have the money. But i don't have a freakin credit card!!!!!

The price is affordable, i really thought it will be going to reach hundreds because hey! it's Connor Franta. The book is freakin cheap.

The launch of his book is on 21st April 2015 and he will doing a BOOK TOUR! I know this is ridiculous but can you do the tour in Malaysia too? Haha i will make myself go to the launching.

Okay i know you won't. I will pre-order it but i deadly want your signature in it but that sounds impossible so i will just sign by myself haha. I know your book will be amazing!

So here i want to share Connor's new book, A Work In Progress.

And here's some useful quotes by Connor Franta

Never hold back. Be yourself, be ourself.
Till then, xoxo.


Life Wishlists


I'm going to be very sincere, actually, i'm a gay. Hah!! Dah macam si Connor dalam Coming Out gitu, Haha okay saja bajet.

So, now the topic (cey topic bagai) is Life Wishlists.
This is more less like umm 30 things u wanna do before you die, like that but i just call it life wishlists because i don't know when i'm going to meet Maha Pencipta right? But seriously takdak la sampai 30, kau nak buat apa sampai wish banyak 30, jangan ngengada eh.
Okay so, aku rasa most of us dalam dunia ni ada benda yg kita teringin nak buat tapi due to family incomes, kita tak mampu, right? Well, mak bapak kita bukanlah tak kaya just diorang don't have that amount of money for you to spend it leisurely kan. Kalau nak duit, tolonglah cari sendiri. Jangan nak menyusah mak bapak.

So, this is my official Life Wishlists that i think i need to accomplish it BEFORE i am getting married (nak habaq kata cek plan nak kawin umoq 30 keataih lolz).

1. Have RM500,000 in bank account before i reach 25 y/o. This sounds ridiculous but, i know i can do this. i am confident.

2. Have my own cafe by 30y/o. This, yes, i think i can too.

3. Have master in TeSL.

4. Have my own car. I don't care what type of car as long as i buy it with my own money.

5. Have my own house by 28y/o.

6. Travel. Well, travel means everything to me. I've been to only Thailand and Indonesia so no, I will go further. (Dream destinations : JAPAN, EUROPE, KOREA, TURKI) I will go to Japan. With my own money. I don't care going alone. Well preferably, i want to go alone. By myself.

7. Go to umrah with my friends. I REALLY HOPE I CAN ACCOMPLISH THIS.

8. Can speak in mandarin.


This is a very very selfish wishlists isn't it?
I don't care.
I wont let my youth bring nothing to me.

Till then, xoxo.


Major Middle Minor Throwback

So, i'm eighteen. Yeah we all know btw. Haha.
When u're eighteen, that means u already ended your school era.
Yes, back then, i always make a countdown on WHEN will i finish school.
Well everybody does it i guess.
And now, the time has passsed.
Sincerely, for the first 2 months, i was NEVER missing the school.
Until i went there again to take my SPM result, that time, i know i miss it to the max.
I miss the teachers. i miss their smiles although those smile were not for me.
I miss being bitchy at school even when i was in the class, at the asrama eating hall, the canteen, in the dorm (always). I miss my friends' smile.
This is not just for the memories in Astech but also at Ibrahim.
I miss lepak with those boys at Ibrahim because i got very few of boys' friend at Astech and i am really really not that close to them.
I miss being immature seriously.
Back then, i fought A LOT.
No kidding.
Form 1 Form 2 Form 3 Form 4 Form 5, u name it.
Being the fighter isn't stressful because you can scream atleast lol.
And those memories are the one i took with me.
They are very precious.
I'm not lying.
Fighting memories are the best because it shows how stupid you were that time.
Well, briefly, i'm sure i already make up with all my so called enemies hahahaha.
So here i will share my memories and let's make it a very very memorable memories.

WARNING!! There will be tons of pictures so make sure to keep scrolling lol.
SECOND WARNING!! There will be tons of my ugly faces so, tap the 'x' if you don't dare enough.
I've warn yalls.



Just to let you know, that boy with prefect suit(?) , the handsome one was my best friend. We used to skip kelas kafa together lol. And there's my childhood bestfriend Aisyah. Miss her damn much. Serious talk, i still remember her father's phone number. I'm not kidding. But i don't know whether her father still use the same number. It has been 8 years since i met them.



There's not that much memories with them i don't know why but i still remember them if they suddenly come in front of me and be like " Aina ni aku nama ____ kelas sama ngan hg/ kelas Maju" sorry but seriously aku ingat budak2 6 Jaya ngan 6 Maju ja. hahaha maaf Inovatif Kreatif dan seterusnya seterusnya.



Well, gambar2 tu ada yg tahun 2013 jugak but who cares btw, THEM! IBRAHIMIANS! I actually don't know why i leave such a cool friends seriously, yes, some of them were totally jerks but let the kind shines it all. Sincerely, i am regret to leave this school but at the same time, i cannot accept Biology in my life so i'm not that total regret. The school is awesome. Here, when u said Smk Ibrahim, people be like "WOW!" amazed and all that but yeah, the success of this school actually come from the chinese and indians. i'm not joking. But still, the bond is quite strong here like when i moved to another school, they still remember me. i mean those who not in the same class and those whom i never talked to, the teachers. I'm touched. But it's over now, i'm going back to them though. No one neglecting me. Yay!! I'm grateful. Seriously.



OKAY, coming here with the thoughts i will change but here, i got into the biggest fight haha but now, we're like brother and sisters, my class consists of 24 girls and 4 boys so with the picture above you can judge briefly how sucks the class will be because all of us are very hingaq bingaq sampai kena banned by the teachers. Ah! There's not only my classmates but my doormmates are also up there. There's too much stories that i think of giving up being a student here but that encourages me to be stronger and probably, less shy? hahaha So, the pictures up there consists of my classmates, doormmates, and drama teammates. This school teaches me how sucks educational system is and how teachers are so not punctual but wants their students to be discipline. I'm telling the truth but hey obviously, not all the teacher. Some of them are. Thankfully, my class teacher was so happening and sporting eventhough she is a ustazah. And yes, here, you know that u actually can rely on someone when u need them.

Done throwback-ing. seriously, i have no will to re-check if the photos are not in orders or what so i just upload them briefly hahaha. Remember, school life is the best.
Till then, xoxo.