Sunday 24 May 2015



Okay there's several moments in the astech that i will keep in my mind until forever because yea of course you will not get those memories simply anywhere . I am focusing on astech because we were ALWAYS together unlike Ibrahimians where we're together in class and going home and lost contact at home and the next day still together. so there were no such dramatic memories as in astech.

So, during my form 4, i decided to moved into a boarding school. My dad chose it for me actually. But i'm a good daughter so i just follow the lead. There, i was assigned to the class 4Perdagangan and to the dorm G5. I am being all arrogant and bitchy when i packed up my things in the hostel.

After a week living in a hostel, i found my dorm mates are way too cool. When we finished classes, one of us (Dayah) will come into the hostel singing to malay songs and all of us will continue (WE JUST MET FOR A WEEK AND WE WERE THAT CRAZY STUPID). After almost two weeks living in the hostel i found the hostel were damn cool. no mama nagging. no mama asking me doing chores. NO NO NO IT'S ME AND ONLY ME(this shows how lazy i was as a daughter)


One day when we're all chatting, i noticed someone who was unfamiliar sitting at the corner of the bed and i asked my friends " sapa tu? " then jahara replied "ouh tu nama dia razana. dia side A tp nak kawan ngan kita" ohhh okay. Then we become friends. my bestfriends there were Dayah Zati Jahara Razana and Aida. Yes we were very close to each other.

During the end of the year, Jah was having a conflict with my classmates and we decided to fight. OK this is REAL memories. you know just because of one stupid silly man (ILIAS) more less 10 girls were fighting. He sure were using love spells HHAHAHAHA. The bicker doesnt went overboard but still, it was hectic hahaha everyone wanna talk. And sarcaticism were all over the place gosh i miss that moment. THAT WAS SO IMMATURE OF US I AM SERIOUS.

After done dealing with the fights, we got news that Razana will move to Shah Alam the next year and we were all so sad and stuff haha. The bond is weirdly strong because we've just met less than 1 year and we cry like there's no tomorrow.

During my form 4 tho, i get to know this senior named Izwan. Yeah i sure have a crush on him back then lol. How we met? I have such a cool story on this. This happened during the spm trial. Iwan and his friends were using my classroom as their study port and Iwan always sat on my place. But that's not it. It started when i found my desk were all clean and neat the next morning. During the night, i knew my desk were in a mess. So of course i thought Iwan who neat it up right? And there's a sampul raya left under the desk (I THOUGHT IWAN WHO LEFT IT THERE BUT IT TURNS OUT TO BE AININ. I KNOW THE TRUTH DURING MY FORM 5 YEAR) like i said, I thought Iwan left it there so i wrote some thankful message on the sampul raya and turns out he replied by putting a piece of reply in the sampul. That's our first connection -letters-. Well i have to admit this, i still have those letters with me hahahahaha. And a few weeks later, Iwan take my phone number from my notebook like LOL HE MAKES THE FIRST STEP EVERYONE but yea i did not aware that he was just main main. When i told him that i like him by putting out my all courages, his reply were so casanova. So i end up thinking he did not after me AT ALL. It was me who perasan all way around. but after a few weeks, he hye me.
*funny facts #1 - when iwan first called me, i'm having a high fever for a day.
*funny facts #2 - we were never talk face to face that was i told ya he hye me.
So, the conclusion is i was being played. Haha. I realized it few months ago that i was being played. All this while i was waiting for him to say "Actually i like you too". Stupid meyh.


I must admit the most memorable thing for me is Afiq Shadli. Wanna know why?
Because he is the first ever guy who actually merajuk with me to the deep ocean.
ok cerita ni ceni, masa form5 kami masuk pertandingan drama bahasa inggeris.
Perancangan awal was dayah jadi laki but nampak mcm tak best so kami berangan berangan terbayang muka afiq sbb dia mcm one of minam kat sekolah la and it turns out dia sekelas ngan zati so kami suruh la zati tanya dia nak ka berlakon ngan kami ka tak tengok2 dia nak and dia ajak dua org lagi kawan dia Adam and Ikhmal/Mon.

 And yg lawak the drama mmg turns out horrible gila sebab suara afiq slow mic tak kuat lupa script semua lah. Yg bestnya time rehearsal malam tu memang cantik dah. kira kalau tak juara, naib juara la sekali spoil mcm2 dengan sound system takmau kerjasama la hahahah tp still okay la we brought back memories with us.

So after the drama ended kami tetiba jadi rapat. i mean geng2 drama team ni la. boleh kata hari hari lepak sekali. and kami buat group kat wechat. dari situ la afiq merajuk ngan aku. afiq ni dia anak org kaya so dia x reti sembang tau. so bila dia masuk akan jadi awkward lain la adam, adam mmg pandai sangat melayan hahahah dasar playboy. so aku pon mcm buat2 la halau dia mcm "afiq xyah masuk ah blah ah" camtu la lebih kurang. aku ingat dia tau yg aku main2 sebab kalau aku buat camtu kat adam, adam akan reply "xmau kawan ash nak majuk" hahahaha dia memang gedik level99999 pastu aku TAK PERASAN langsung yg si afiq ni merajuk ngan aku dah seminggu sbb depa ni kalau jumpa tepi jalan ikut mood, ada mood nak teguq depa teguq la. so aku pon x ambik serius la bila dia x teguq aku langsung

sampai la time weekend tu kami lepak geng2 G5 la sekali depa nampak afiq pastu depa panggil la afiq , afiq kalih muka pastu bila aku join the crowd dia blah terus. and aku still tak suspect apa2 aku ingat dia gaduh ngan makwe ka tension exam ka, pastu zati la yg perasan, sekali kami jumpa adam kat atas kelas kami tanya la adam, pastu adam tengok aku lama, dia kata " sbb hg la tau dak" time tu tak bohong jantung aku mcm nak luruh lembik lutut sbb aku xtau apa salah aku HAHAHAHA pastu kami soal siasat adam sampai la adam kata " ash ja yg kena pujuk afiq tu" time tu aku lagi la meroyan sbb aku tak penah pujuk orang laki merajuk. adam yg dok main2 tu pon aku x penah pujuk, zati ja yg rajin dok pujuk.

So zati pon mengajaq la aku kata aku kena berlembut ngan afiq tu dia tu sensitif hahahaha serius lawak aku first time deal ngan laki merajuk. aku memang benci gila orang laki yg merajuk ni sbb ORANG POMPUAN JA YG BOLEH LAKI TAK BOLE. NAMPAK GAY SANGAT OKAY.

One day tu kami keluaq outing depa kata la kat aku kalau aku jumpa afiq aku pujuk dia aku pon okok la malas dah nak dengaq depa berletiaq seminggu kat aku. Jalan dekat depan jakel sekali wani approached kata " ash kenapa afiq kat situ? " aku time tu buat tak kesah pastu zati mcm AFIQ SHADLI KAAAA? pastu wani mcm ya la hampa taktau ka bukan hampa rapat ngan dia ka? Pastu zati usha aku semacam , zati kata "sekarang" wey wey wey mmg aku setuju tapi aku x expect nak jumpa dia secepat tu.

Yang zati pon gigih dok panggil afiq tu well nampak la dia mmg avoid aku sbb dia ignore ja wadahek , last2 aku jerit kuat gila nama dia baru dia tengok kami pastu mai kat kami. Yang lawak dia mai mai "HAA RASA BERSALAH KA?!" YA ALLAH waktu tu laju ja tangan aku mcm nak tumbuk dia nak tumbuk zati ni la sebab jangan pujuk org laki merajuk perangai cam haram. pastu kami pon berbaik lah walaupon selalu gaduh jugak. hahahah.

Yg form 5 aku stop dekat yg afiq ni lah sbb letih haha. Afiq i just want you to know kalau hg ada tak puas hati kat mana2 pompuan habaq kat aku, mai aku ajaq hg cara nak overcome hahaha.


Monday 18 May 2015


Yes im going to talk about love.
As most of my friends know, i have never been deeply in love with my opposite gender.
I think it is probably due to my boyish attitude so most of my guy friends treat me like an actual guy. Well i have the name Hakim in my ID .
AND most of my guy friends have high elegant taste in choosing their love one so imma not qualified to be in the list. AT ALL.
But i think the main reason is i am not pretty or attractive or charming or cute at all. End of curiosity.

So, sad high school life of mine when i have no one crush on me i have no boyfriend, well a high school student should at least have one. With the mindset of getting married after i have my own belongings with my own money, I am confidently going to college. Basically not yet. it is a month from now haha shit. And suddenly people around me are actively talking about "You will trapped into college love stories i am sure how not attractive you are you will." And i am scared. Well you know if i REALLY trapped, i am a total dickhead so i think i will not think wisely. Please pray for me not to fall in love with any man from college treat them exactly how you treat your high school friends. And they will never fall for me. i guarantee.